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The BEST Protection for your Vehicle! For this process, the entire vehicle is carefully paint corrected to perfection before the shining paint is sealed in a multi-year coating! Check out the process below!


Step 1: Thorough Wash

The Crucial First Step in any exterior detail-the hand wash! For the ceramic coating, a PH neutral soap is used in combination with a mild degreaser to strip dirt as well as any potential wax or silicon products from the vehicles surface.

Step 2: Clay Bar And Iron Decontamination

This is a Very Important Step for Ceramic Coating. Using a Clay Bar and Iron Decon Spray, the Vehicle is Stripped of any and all Fallout Contaminants and Mineral Staining, Leaving the Paint Ready for Correction.


Iron Decon


Step 3: Paint Correction

Once the Paint is Properly Prepped, it's Time for Paint Correction! Using a Combination of Wet Sanding, Buffing, and Polishing, All Oxidation and Scratching is Removed from the Vehicle's Paint, Restoring the Color's Original Shine and Luster. The Goal Here is to Get The Paint as Close to New as Possible! 

At the End of This Process, the Vehicle is Given an "Alcohol Bath" to Ensure a Perfectly Clean Surface for Coating!


Step 4: Coating Application

For This Process, the Ceramic Coating is Carefully Applied in Small Sections at a Time, Using a Cross-Hatching Pattern, to Ensure Perfect Coverage. After a Brief "Flash Time," The Sections are Carefully Wiped Down, Leaving Behind a Perfect, and Protective, Mirror Finish That Will Last For The Years To Come!



Now That The Car Has Been Properly Ceramic Coated, Your Vehicle Not Only Will Look Stunning, But it Will Also Have The Added Benefits of:

-Hydrophobic Water Beading

-UV Protection

-Resistance to Road Debris and Bugs

-Resistance to Fade and Oxidation

More Info On Ceramic Coating


How Long Will The Coating Last?

This Depends Mostly on the Coating in Question. Ours Has A Base Time of 3 Years with a Warranty with One-Time Applications. Customers can opt for a "Second-Step" Coating Renewal that Extends the Life and Warranty To 5 Years.

The Dealership Offered A Coating for Way Cheaper, What's Up With That?

There are a number of reasons why this may be the case, and we will answer the most common.


-Ceramic "Sealant": A lot of dealerships apply what is known as a ceramic "paint sealant", which, while it may share similar properties, generally do not last as long or have quite the protective power. 

-Ceramic "Wax": Another common issue is that it is not a true coating or sealant, but rather a ceramic wax. While this may look great and have a similar effect appearance-wise, it will only last for a few months at max. 

-The Prep Work: The Decontamination and Paint Correction Process are integral to a Ceramic Coating. A lot of dealers unfortunately skip out on the exactness and precision this process is supposed to have. On Average, it takes 6+ hours to fully and properly correct a vehicle, even if it's brand new. 

How Long Does it Take?

On an average Sedan, the process could take anywhere from 7 hours to 10+ depending on the vehicle's condition. After the Ceramic Coating is applied, the car has to undergo a 24 hour cure process where it cannot be exposed to moisture and rain. Because of this, we recommend keeping the vehicle in a garage or in our correction booth until this time is passed. 

As Ceramic Coating is an Investment in Improving the Longevity of Your Vehicles, We Want to Make Sure Our Customers Know What They are Paying for and are Well Informed on What They Are Getting!

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